nondeterministic - definition. What is nondeterministic
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Nondeterministic; Non-determinism; Non-deterministic; Nondeterminism (disambiguation); Non-determinism (disambiguation)

Exhibiting nondeterminism.
<algorithm> A property of a computation which may have more than one result. One way to implement a nondeterministic algorithm is using backtracking, another is to explore (all) possible solutions in parallel. (1995-04-13)
Nondeterministic programming         
Nondeterministic language; Nondeterministic Programming; Non-deterministic programming; Nondeterministic program; Non-deterministic program
A nondeterministic programming language is a language which can specify, at certain points in the program (called "choice points"), various alternatives for program flow. Unlike an if-then statement, the method of choice between these alternatives is not directly specified by the programmer; the program must decide at run time between the alternatives, via some general method applied to all choice points.



Nondeterminism or nondeterministic may refer to:

أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. It's a nondeterministic account.
Babel No More _ Michael Erard _ Talks at Google
2. So it's nondeterministic.
Through Two Doors at Once _ Anil Ananthaswamy _ Talks at Google
3. that that commercial machine had to have a source of nondeterministic electronic noise.
Turing's Cathedral _ George Dyson _ Talks at Google
4. well as the nondeterministic folding, otherwise known as crumpling is, in fact,
Between The Folds _ Talks at Google
5. Youíre just, youíre building an enormous nondeterministic circuit that instead of the
Turing's Cathedral _ George Dyson _ Talks at Google